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late August I unraveled a woman's sweater with the intention of using the yarn to make a dress for my four year old. I didn't have a pattern so I made one up.

Well here it finally is on a reluctant subject. She is just not interested in being photographed lately. I actually finished it in November but I'm just now getting around to photographing it. When I first finished the knitting Lil looked at it and said "I don't like sweater dresses!" So I put fun buttons on it. She seems to be okay with it now. We'll see if she actually wears it much. I did a few decreases on the sleeves under the arms. But they seem to be a little bulky which she has complained about. I think I'll do the decreases elsewhere next time. I also ran out of yarn before I was ready to end. I wanted the dress to be a little longer. But all in all I'd say the first attempt was a success. And next time it will be even better.

Close up of the buttons. Eight buttons total: there was a sheep, bear, owl, lion, pig, frog, penguin and an elephant.
Very Cute! Looks beautiful! You are such a talented momma!