Perhaps I watched too much Captain Planet as a child but I am quite entertained with the idea of donning a crown which gives mythical 'powers of nature'. Hence, the crowns I made for my nephews for Christmas. We had a bit of fun with these before they left the house but sadly I didn't get any photos. I wrapped these crowns up in their accompanying capes before mailing them off. I cut the crown shape out of some very heavy duty wool that I got from A.C. Moore of all places. I wouldn't have even thought to look there had it not been for the suggestion of one of Lil's teachers. I then needle felted the images on. The first crown (in case you can't tell) gives it's wearer the power of the seas. Something along the lines of a King Neptune kind of thing. And the second is The North Wind.
Oh, you have to come to Kuwait to show me how to make those. Needle felting looks like fun.