Saturday, January 30, 2010
Jazzing up some bla slippers
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Repurposed sweater part two
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Homemade thank you cards
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Anatomy of a snowDan
Least you question her gender let me share the rest of her name: Dan Fancy Nancy. We started with the usual body parts, eyes, mouth, nose and arms. Once those were to our liking, Lillian looked at our snow woman and said very matter-of-factly: "She needs hips!" So she rolled two snow balls that went on either side for hips. Following the hips, a 'belly' was needed, next breasts. And so our snowDan was born. I love the fact that Lil's image of a woman includes these important parts.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Birthday party prep
The top pic is of the girls burring 'jewels' in a canning pot full of sand. I bought some of those glass flower vase beads at the craft store for less than $3 a bag. I made each child a little cloth bag with a ribbon draw string. Phil and I were up until almost midnight the night before stringing those darn ribbons through the bags. Nothing Like leaving it all to the last minute right? The bags from start to finish really didn't take that long. Only about an hour for ten of them. I just didn't get to it until shortly before eleven. Anyhow, the children got to dig through the sand and find five jewels each for their little bag. What a hit! I recommend it for any young child's party. My girls have been playing with their jewels non stop ever since. Isn't it fun that such little treasures can bring such great joy?!
I also made each child a crown. We've been playing with these felted crowns here for a while now as you may have noticed. And all our friends have fallen in love with them too. So they seemed like the perfect party favor. I needled felted simple designs on each one, sewed on a few sparkly beads, did a decorative stitch across the top and then used my sewing machine to sew on the back fabric and elastic. They were a lot of fun to make and looked beautiful on all those little party goers heads.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Happy Birthday to Lillian
The crown was a birthday gift from her preschool teacher yesterday. They had a wonderful little celebration for her at school which we were able to participate in. The teacher told a story of a little angel playing up in heaven who one day looked down to earth and decided to come here. So the little angel choose Phil and I as parents and the big angel helped the her slide down the rainbow bridge to us. And then the teacher related a little story about Lil for each of her four years. Then we had a lovely snack and stayed to play outside with her.

We've started a little birthday tradition in our house which has become much anticipated. Last year my mom folded 30 or 40 origami butterflies for us. The night before the girls birthdays after they go to sleep, we hang the butterflies from the ceiling all over the house. It is a magical, colorful thing to wake up to. Not to mention how much it brightens up the house. It gets us through the snowy months of winter quite nicely with a little extra cheer.
Lil's birthday dinner request was chicken soup and strawberry shortcake. I thawed some of the delicious berries the girls and I picked last summer. It was a wonderful reminder of those warm early summer days.
Tonight as I tucked her into bed I said "Happy Birthday Lil" Just to get it in one more time today. And she said "Happy Birthday Mama" And I thought well yes it kind of is my birthday too. After all four years ago today she made me a mama. I do love that girl. She is such a bright spot in this life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The power of the north wind
Monday, January 4, 2010
Awesome ugly plates
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