We visited Essex farm where they get their weekly CSA. What a treat! We danced in puddles and visited with the animals and people who live, work and play there. I am only sorry I didn't get a photo of the egg pony. She carries the eggs in buckets on her back from the far out pastures where the chickens live. This farm is beyond unique. They use almost no tractor power. Instead they use several teams of draft horses to do all their field work. They are also organic. One weekly share which costs only $100 dollars consists of almost everything one needs to eat quite well in a week: including meat, veggies, butter, eggs, raw milk (all from the farm) and dry goods (ordered in bulk, not from the farm). I must add that I am hard pressed to remember another place I've been where absolutely everyone is so kind and gracious and welcoming.
This trepidatious interest in the cows came after the cows tasted a few of the children. No one really wanted to be licked by a cow again but their curiosity was piqued.
What this photo doesn't show is the mile where the kids were in the wagon. Did I mention it had a flat tire? How did we not notice that I ask you? Four kids can't weigh that much...
I just couldn't resist putting this photo in. We ate so well during our entire visit. Most of the food we ate came from Essex farm. I do love eating local.
What a great trip! And so interesting too. I agree that the payment for all of the benefits seems completely reasonable if not a good deal. And you know where your food is coming from! Hopefully you can find an equal to be a part of wherever you guys move to!