Fifty years of fabric, or someone else's stash
I was recently given the most marvelous gift of twelve or so plastic grocery bags of fabric. There were fabrics in there from the 50's through the 90's and perhaps some from even before then. This was a woman who saved every last scrap of everything remotely, even possibly reusable. A child of the depression, she knew the value of reuse. She saved everything from old curtains and cushion covers to old hand made articles of clothing. There was even the very start of a quilt in there. Before I even washed anything, I freecycled some of the synthetics and a few others. I love fabric but even I cannot own that much fabric. So now I'm down to the gems plus a few others. In truth some of it is rather rotten. But the lovely lady who's fabric this was took care of that for me too. In among all the other fabrics was the beginning of a braided rag rug. I've always wanted to make a rag rug and now I've got the material for it.
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